These three areas: USSOCOM, Army Futures Command, and OTAs have a connection so strong and impactful that if you don’t understand them, you will miss out. Business is going to happen… make sure it’s happening for you!
What’s happening in SOCOM? There are realignments within SOCOM and organizational structure that are going to have a significant impact on SOCOM and indirectly to the services, including a direct connection to the Army Futures Command.
What’s happening to the S&T dollars? In 2020, there will be new S&T realignment and control with significant impacts on S&T dollars. This provides an opportunity to align program elements from SOCOM with the CCDC (Combat Capabilities Development Command).
Army Futures Command
Who started it and who are the players?
Who controls S&T and what are their ties to USSOCOM?
Why should you care? OTAs (Other Transactional Agreements) Those that operate at the tactical and technical edge will drive capability development centers on the vehicle of the OTA.
Who is using these? Everyone is hearing about OTAs and their authorities. They started at NASA in Huntsville, Alabama and allowed us to win the space race to take man to the scariest environment imaginable, and return. OTAs made the impossible, possible. Congress and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) have taken notice for decades, with strong attention recently by OSD and guidance from the Honorable Ellen Lord.
You need to navigate prototype development working with government, academia, and industry partners. There have been shifts in 2019 between several of the OTA consortiums.
Did you know you can use procurement RDT&E and even O&M… yes, O&M? But you have to know the secret sauce! Make an appointment with THE COMPANY to learn more!
The Company You Keep enjoyed a day of shooting, socializing, barbecue, & bourbon on King B Farm in Ardmore, Tennessee.
The Company You Keep was a PROUD sponsor of 2024's Stars Dancing for HEALS
PeggyLee Wright chats about why Huntsville became home on this episode of Behind the Cubicle.